If you are battling with the itchiness, dry patches, blisters, and inflamed skin that accompany eczema and psoriasis, know that you are not alone. Approximately 5% of the world population suffers from these two skin diseases.
Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease of unknown yet origin. The modern means of the treatment include topical anti-inflammatory preparations as well as IPL and Cold Laser treatments. However, neither lead to the complete cure of the disease, rather help reduce the inflammation.
While there is no known cure for psoriasis or eczema, many sufferers have been able to reduce the effects of these two diseases by using IPL therapy.
IPL treatment can produce some dramatic results. However, the therapy does not work well for everyone. Laser treatment is not advised for those who are sensitive to the sun, have a history of skin cancer, and who are using medications that increase their sensitivity to the sun.
Eczema and psoriasis can rob a person of their quality of life and lower their self-esteem. IPL therapy may provide the relief that many are searching for and allow them to live their life with increased comfort and confidence.