GenesisPlus — the premium laser for treating onychomycosis, scars, and warts — provides a fast and effective solution without additional costs. The unique features of GenesisPlus make it the laser system of choice to maximize your return and effectively clear the nail without drug therapies.
How to prevent nail fungus re-infection?
Wear clean shoes/socks home after treatment
Wash sheets, disinfect shower/bath and vacuum carpets day of treatment
Apply anti-fungal cream 2X per day for approximately 2 weeks to 3 months depending severity of the infection
Apply anti-fungal powder to all shoes at least 1x per week for at least 1 month
Keep nails trimmed and cleaned (disinfecting instruments after each use)
Do not walk barefoot in public places (pool, gym, etc.)
Nail polish may be applied 24 hours after treatment
The average time interval between treatments is 4-6 weeks
Due to slow nail growth, results may not be noticeable for 3+ months
Toenails may take 9-12 months and fingernails may take 6-9 months to grow out.
Severely infected nails may take longer.